
Healthcare applications accumulate a very large amount of data on a daily basis. As regulations change, older applications are replaced but the data is still required for compliance purposes. These older applications cannot be updated often, run on outdated hardware, and fail security audits– posing quite the challenge for modern healthcare IT professionals. In order to address operational costs, compliance requirements, and security issues, many healthcare IT departments are turning to vendor-neutral archive data solutions that offer healthcare data archiving.

Archive Data Solutions

Topics discussed:

  1. What is an archive data solution?
  2. What are the methods of storing archived data?
  3. How can data archiving benefit your healthcare system?
  4. What are some common challenges of data archiving for healthcare systems?


What is an archive data solution?

Healthcare data archive solutions are applications designed to hold data from other applications for long-term archiving and retrieval in order to satisfy the regulatory, reporting, or compliance requirements of a healthcare organization. Patient data transfer from out-of-date legacy systems to a single archiving platform preserves long-term patient information, enables healthcare organizations to adhere to regulatory standards, and permits them to retire legacy clinical applications to cut costs and maintenance.


What are the methods of storing archived data?

Numerous choices are available when it comes to archiving data. But not every one of these choices is the same. You should think about utilizing a data archiving solution to guarantee that your data is properly archived and safeguarded.

The use of a data archiving solution has several advantages. Your data will be properly backed up and stored, first and foremost. Additionally, by compressing your data to use less space, a data archiving service can help you save money on storage charges.

A data archiving solution can also give you peace of mind by ensuring the security of your data. Utilizing network security techniques, on-premise or cloud storage, and back-end file encryption, Triyam offers safe data storage. Additionally, you can access archived files repeatedly without interruption. When choosing an Archive Data Solution like Triyam, organizations have a choice between online and offline storage options, ensuring their data will be accessible no matter what happens. 


How Can Data Archiving Benefit Your Healthcare System?

The ability to cancel support contracts for decommissioned legacy systems is only one of the many advantages data archiving offers healthcare organizations. Additionally, it enables the retirement of outdated systems that cannot be made security compliant.

Many healthcare organizations also recognize the advantages that archives may bring, such as the significant streamlining of “release of information” processes within the organization or the safety and security of essential data’s long-term preservation. A healthcare data archive can also be utilized for business intelligence or clinical machine learning projects because it can be seen as a type of unified healthcare data warehouse in many aspects.


What Are Some Common Challenges of Data Archiving For Healthcare Systems?

Access – Over time, institutional knowledge of a given system disappears after it is no longer used in production. This may make it challenging to give an outside vendor application-level access or muddle the user testing procedure. Additionally, allowing legacy systems network-level access can be difficult, especially if the system is located at a satellite or auxiliary location.

Capability – Older systems employ outdated technologies, and it can occasionally be challenging to locate an outside provider with the ability to archive the data from them.

Stability – One of the reasons why systems should be archived as soon as feasible once they are taken out of production use, is because older systems can occasionally become unstable and cease to be compliant.

Take the risk out of healthcare data storage with proven data archiving solutions for medical record retention.


Why choose Triyam for your EHR archiving?

  • Eliminate risks of a legacy EHR data archiving solution by implementing a scalable, vendor-neutral cloud-based archive data solution.
  • Benefit from a systematic approach to data migration.
  • Comply with federal, state, and HIPAA-compliant EHR systems and long-term data storage.
  • Reduce the costs of maintaining legacy EMR archiving software.
  •  Benefit from 24/7 customer support.