One of the most important components of modern healthcare is confidentiality. With many companies moving towards electronic health records, it’s now easier than ever to share important health information among providers. However, it’s also easy for non-providers to gain illegal access to records. As your organization’s data footprint expands across various environments, partners and endpoints, your threat landscape also expands. Cybercriminals seeking to exploit security vulnerabilities put sensitive and valuable information at risk. Confidently protecting your data, which provides a critical foundation for every business operation, is central to a zero trust approach to security.

Data security solutions, whether implemented on premises or in a hybrid cloud, help you gain greater visibility and insights to investigate and remediate cyberthreats, enforce real-time controls and manage regulatory compliance.

Every 11 seconds, a company becomes a victim of a ransomware attack. That means, in the five minutes you take to read this blog, there will be nearly 30 healthcare cybercrimes.The healthcare industry was the most common victim of cybersecurity breaches last year, according to a report by analyst Black Kite. A total of 34.9% of cyberattacks occurred in health care in 2022, up 1% from the year before and indicative of hackers’ interest in personal health information (PHI). According to the HIMSS Cybersecurity Survey, legacy systems have known security vulnerabilities that can be relatively easy to exploit and are very difficult to rectify.

Health data is the most sought-after data in the world for cybercriminals. Financial, business and patient records are lucrative on the dark web. Cybersecurity in healthcare involves the protecting of electronic information and assets from unauthorized access, use and disclosure. There are three goals of cybersecurity: protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, also known as the “CIA triad.” Unfortunately, healthcare continues to be the number one target for cyberattacks.. The three driving factors that create the perfect storm behind this unwanted title include less than adequate security protocols, vulnerable legacy applications/servers, and the high value of the data.

Ready to secure your legacy data?

At Triyam, we provide data management services such as data extraction, conversion, migration, and archival to healthcare organizations. Voted Best in KLAS, our cloud-based archival solution, “Fovea”, helps customers by providing a vendor neutral solution for legacy data to archive; while our services also include the option to migrate some current data into their new EHR.

Proven Security Benefits of Retaining Legacy Health and Business Records in an Active Archive:

1. Single Sign-On (SSO)- SSO is a feature built into Fovea that eliminates the need for manual log-in by clinicians seeking access to historical records. SSO seamlessly connects clinicians from the active EHR, in context, to the patient’s historical medical record.

2. HIPAA & SOC2- Look for a trusted vendor with HIPAA and SOC2 Certification. This certification demonstrates that the supplier adheres to security measures to protect patient data, appropriately managing risk involving data protection, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity and privacy.

3. Audit Trails- Rights and activities can be audited by user, role and data source. Role-based security and access controls are built-in. Auditing of user authentication, authorization, and data-level access.

4. Retention- Protecting the privacy and security of all medical records, both current and legacy, enables the long-term retention and storage of data. It provides secure locations for storing mission-critical information for use as needed. Once in the archived data management system, the information stays accessible and the system protects its integrity.

5. Protection from Accidental Deletion- Data archiving or management is a process that minimizes the potential of human error. For example, in a current system, a record might get accidentally removed by an employee. Archiving typically allows limited or unlimited access to data with permissions based on access role or user level. This limits room for error and accidental deletion of valuable data.

If your healthcare organization is looking for a data archival solution, we’re here to help you.

Contact us today!


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